The Kick Awesome Show: Episode 15
Episode 15 brings the funk! Join us as we talk about mirror TV’s, all things 8-bit, what we’ll be up to in 2 years, Infinity Blade, fun with company names and our picks from DesignersMusic.
Keep ReadingEpisode 15 brings the funk! Join us as we talk about mirror TV’s, all things 8-bit, what we’ll be up to in 2 years, Infinity Blade, fun with company names and our picks from DesignersMusic.
Keep ReadingEpisode 14 is chock full of goodness! Join us as we talk about a missionary’s flying car, a wooden iPod amplification dock, questions about @font-face, a solution to CSS3 background images and our picks from DesignersMusic.
Keep ReadingGet your rabbits feet and lucky charms because it’s time for Episode 13! This week we high five Dropbox and Gear Patrol, talk about hyphens or underscores in our URL’s, the power of asking nicely, a brand new geeky segment called if:else and our picks from DesignersMusic.
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A few months back we were fortunate to get an email from the fine folks at .net magazine asking us if we’d like to write an article for their upcoming issue. Why of course we would!
Well, its finally out now and you can read all about our makeover process for Camden Military. We talk about the design process, photography shoots, the backend setup in ExpressionEngine, Wufoo form integration and the benefits they’re already seeing in traffic and conversions. Pretty exciting stuff!
Oh my oh my! Episode 12 brings the High Five black hole, photography lightboxes, fun Knoxville facts, first person shooters, what we did last weekend and our picks from DesignersMusic.
Keep ReadingGreeting, friends! In case you missed the Kick Awesome Show the last few weeks after the move, fear not! We’ll catch you up all quick like right here:
Hey look, you made it back! We were worried we might loose you in the move to this fancy new site. Join us as we talk about the Dribbble state phenomenon, littlest Longnecker’s 1st birthday, how far we would travel to shoot the show, why we ditched Vimeo for YouTube and our picks from DesignersMusic. Oh and a special guest.
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Funny story. Nate and I started the Kick Awesome Show mainly to pull the suck out of Mondays. I mentioned I was frustrated with spending the entire morning answering emails that came in over the weekend (seriously, enjoy your time off, people!) and not ever getting much done in the afternoon. We’d been talking about ways to post to the blog more regularly and somehow we came up with spending Monday afternoons shooting a web show. We tried it and we’ve been amazed to see something we started for fun become watched by so many of you so quickly.
After just a few episodes we realized it was time to move it to it’s own site. Fortunately this gave us an opportunity to invest in some serious HTML5, CSS3, Typekit and Responsive design. And a bit of iPad magic, too. Read on to find out more.
Keep ReadingGreetings fellow Kick Awesome Show watchers! Today marks the first time TKAS is showing at it’s new home, As such we might occasionally mention it here, but to catch new episodes you’ll need to subscribe in one of the plethora of ways below.
Join us as we high five our intern & iFontMaker, show you what we’d dress up for for Halloween, use Adobe Ideas for sketching on your iPad and our picks from DesignersMusic.
Nate and I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to watch, and we’re excited to keep making the show even better as it becomes it’s own thing. So subscribe already!
Keep ReadingEpisode 7 is our biggest episode yet. Join us at the EECI Conference in the Netherlands (we’re international!) and keep watching for a huge, gigantimus announcement for the future of TKAS. That’s right, we’re going to the big time!
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We’re a little late to the party, but wanted to give a quick wrap-up on our experience at EECIEU 2010. The ExpressionEngine & CodeIgniter Conference was in it’s third iteration, and I think it was the best. Robert from Whoooz! has been refining the schedule while still taking risks and trying new things. The single channel format this time around was much more enjoyable. At past conferences I kept having to choose certain tracks and felt like I missed things, so the simplification was great. The venue was very cool as well.
Keep ReadingWhat’s that? A new episode of The Kick Awesome Show? Oh yes!
Now that we’re all done being sick and speaking and traveling we are back and ready to rock! We’ve got crazy stunt driving, travel hacking, and bad pirate acting. Our new intern tells us about his problems, and we find out where in the world Nate’s been.
Keep ReadingLook at that; it’s Episode 5 of The Kick Awesome show! Be warned that Mr. Croft had some minor surgery and was on some serious pain meds. That is all I will say…. Join us as we talk about Holler, Reeder for iPad, what our work spaces look like, why Hydrocodone makes it all better and a special edition of our DesignersMusic picks that had us going back in time to 1997 for our favorite high school bands.
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Last year Nate and I got to go on a grand adventure. We travelled overseas, saw the beautiful city of Leiden and met a ton of amazing people in the ExpressioneEngine community. EECI was the premier EE conference, pulling in designers and developers from all over the world, and doing it with style to spare.
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Alright kids, less than two weeks until EECI2010 in Leiden and we're brining some more EENinja shirts. The question is what color? The shirt itself will be offwhite, but do we print gray or the beloved EE2 pink? Or do we go back to the original black shirt with white text? And just to make sure the printer doesn't kill us, let's do this thing quickly . Let the duel begin. Take the poll. Let us know.
Can you believe it? We’ve made it to Episode 4! Join us as we talk about Borrow Lenses, New Adventures in Web Design Conference, the HTML5 Boilerplate, EECI2010 in Leiden, how to scale Nate’s incredibly tall hair if you’re a tiny person and our DesignersMusic picks of the week.
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Once you’ve laid the groundwork for your freelancing website, it’s time to make it produce some income! Read on for a few tips on how to make it awesome.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve come across a designer’s site and couldn’t find any information about them. No picture, no bio. Maybe a twitter account with some non descript avatar. Your clients want to know if you’re a real person - even better what you’re actually like. If you hate twinkies but love smooth jazz don’t be afraid to say it. Be yourself and be honest. No client will feel comfortable contacting you for work if they don’t feel like they know you.
Keep ReadingThe third times a charm…literally. After moving shooting locations 3 times we finally finished shooting Episode 3 of the Kick Awesome Show. Join us as we talk about iPad textbooks that are too cool for school, Storm Troopers with ‘staches, MojoMotor, our favorite shades of gray (with ninja battles!) and our DesignersMusic picks of the week.
Keep ReadingWelcome back to the Kick Awesome Show! This week Nate and I talk about Happy Story Time, our immaculate beards, a cool trick from the freshly designed CSS Tricks, our top picks from DesignersMusic and a bonus rant about crappy servers.
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We have a lot of designers email us and ask for advice. One common thread lately seems to be “How do I get my freelancing career going?” Well, thanks to the Internet there’s lots of ways! First let’s talk about your website. Are you getting traffic? What happens when users get there? Do you even know? If you’re having trouble making your website work for you then read ahead:
Obviously, if you want people to actually find and use your portfolio site it’s got to be built properly. Since most of you reading this build websites for a living I’m assuming you’ve already done this. If not - basically use divs, headers, paragraphs and lists appropriately. Let the search engines know what kind of content each piece is.
Keep ReadingWelcome to The Kick Awesome Show! That’s right, Nate and I have decided we need to hang out more, so why not in front of a camera? We’re going to attempt to talk about cool and interesting things every week so go hit that subscribe button now.
Being that this is our first shot the format’s still up in the air a bit. But that’s ok, we know you’ll tell us what you love and don’t love in the comments.
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