Articles in Sketches
by Nate Croft in Design,
I've started illustrating my thoughts. This is one from today.
Inside your head, everything is a good idea. It's a magical place where you are always doing awesome things, having awesome ideas, and generally high fiving yourself all the time at how awesome you are.
Outside your head is the awesome crushing or confirming world of reality.
The only way an idea is going to do anything, is when it gets out of your head and into the heads of other people. Those other people will then confirm your awesomeness, or crush it with the multi-smashular sledgehammer known as honest criticism. Which is a very kind thing even though it is super painful.
Jon does this for me all the time. My brain is a fountain of crazy vision. He stands by with said sledgehammer, helping me weed them down through survival of the fittest. It is then that I can tell others about this or begin making whatever it was.
Got an idea? Let it enter the ring below in the comments.
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by Nate Croft in Business,
Like our strange little dentist friend in the picture above, we all want to be that happy doing the work we have dreamed about doing. Most of us come preinstalled with a desire to do work that we enjoy. It is as if we know that it is possible to provide for ourselves and not hate doing so.
Unfortunately, most of us are also completely terrible at pulling this off. Even if we have pretty good jobs that we mostly like, it seems like that magical dream job is always dangling just out of reach. Why is that?
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by Jonathan Longnecker in Design,
If you're tired of going all analog on your Moleskine notebook and want to embrace the new hotness, check out Paper for iPad. It's a free app with several brush types availble for in-app purchase, and it looks like it's a ton of fun to use. I have a lowly iPad 1, but if you managed to snag an iPad 3 with the massively hi-res display Paper will be sure to please. Oh, you might want to pick up a stylus, too.
Paper is free on the App Store.
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by Nate Croft in Sketches
So we've got this cat. His name is Biscuit. And we've discovered he has a penchant for thievery.
His frequent target? The Apple TV remote.
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by Nate Croft in Sketches
Sometimes you just have to draw a dog wearing a bowtie. It was a good excuse to set up mydrawing tablet a bit better as I'm still new to this whole pen table thing.

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by Nate Croft in Sketches
In an effort to have a little more fun with the blog, we will be adding our silly sketches for your enjoyment. Let's get this silliness kicked off!
Sony Walkman


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