Web Designer Wall Lists Two 47m Sites in Their 2008 Trends Article

by Jonathan Longnecker

Web Designer Wall - A Wall of Design Ideas, Web Trends and TutorialsWeb Designer Wall has a great collection of web design trends for 2008, and we just happened to make the cut! Actually the 47m site and the EdgePoint Church site are both listed. So we’re pretty psyched, to say the least. It’s been a whirlwind of a year so far, and it just keeps getting more amazing everyday.

We’ve been working on some really cool new projects that are still under NDA, but hopefully they’ll be ready to show to the world soon. Thanks to all those behind us that read this crazy blog; you all are much appreciated!

July 07, 2008



  1. I really appreciate your work and eye for design, keep it coming!

  2. Good for you guys. I have been a fan of your work for quite some time now, and featured your site on my site for my Friday’s Five series.

    Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, and plugs guys! We will definitely keep it up.

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