Nomadventure Shop Logo and Website
We helped the Nomadventure Shop build a curated adventure brand with a site that is beautiful, clean and easy to update.
Visit the Live SiteThe Nomadventure Shop is specifically for adventurers who are picky about the products they buy. Gear is curated, sorted and displayed in the simplest way possible so that people can find what they need quickly.
We settled on a retro/modern color and typeface scheme with lots of breathing room to give it all a high end feel. We really love how it turned out!
On the backend, Craft CMS gave us so much flexibility. Categories, sorting by price and other variables were all simple to set up.
Even better, we were able to use built in mobile detects to route users to an AJAX lightbox on desktops and directly to the product page on mobile devices for a better experience.
It's so easy to add new products that the shop is growing daily. Check it out!
Of course, the site is fully responsive and easy to use on mobile devices since we anticipate this is how most users will browse the site.