The Rather Difficult Font Game

by Nate Croft


If any of you good people out there don’t read the insightful Daring Fireball, you might have missed The Rather Difficult Font Game, which is aptly named. I normally consider my type-fu to be excellent, but I too was humbled. 33 out of 34 for this type ninja.

What are you waiting for? Test your might!

(Note: It’s a bit slow during daytime in the States, but Kari just let me know he’s working on it. So hang in there, it’s worth it.)

The first 4.7 (ok, ok, 5) people to send us a screenshot of a 34/34 will get a sneak peek at our super secret project of which we do not speak.

April 15, 2008



  1. Thanks for the article. I’d like to point out that the game is slow only at times when people in the USA are awake…

    I’ll try to do something about that as soon as I can, but it’s unlikely to happen today or tomorrow. Hopefully people are still interested when I get a chance to actually work on the game instead of the server broblem.

  2. Thanks, Kari. I’ve updated the post to reflect that. Great idea by the way.

  3. Game of life!

  4. and I thought it was some kind of REAL game with fonts smile

  5. I actually saw several of this script looking fonts. Not sure which one of those this will be but there are few similar ones

  6. Great stuff.. Thanks a ton for sharing this.!

  7. Amazing stuff.. This one took me by surprise

  8. Cool game.  It was a little slow for me, but still neat to play.

  9. Quite the game to play, but one certainly must be updated on their fonts!

  10. My first try, with an earlier version of the game (the only text
    example was “fargo” then), was 18. Now, they’ve added some new fonts,
    and sometimes they say different things. Not that it made much
    difference - I made it all the way up to 20.

  11. Looks like this post hasn’t been updated since last summer. The current location of the font game is

  12. Cool game.

  13. simply annoy us, but it’s really great smile

  14. Hello!
    Integer posuere nibh sit nec molestie sollicitudin diam quam tincidunt est sed libero nibh blandit odio. Phasellus varius elit eu.

  15. lizzie beadon sondus like it should be the name of a star character in some European novel. get to working on that! you’re right, that’s what it’s alll about. kind of like the hokey-pokey!

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