This Is Why You Aren’t Relevant

by Nate Croft

I keep hearing this word. Relevant. It seems to be everywhere. It hasn’t yet reached the obnoxious level of say, “extreme,” but it is popping up all over the place. People are suddenly, and desperately trying to be relevant.

Things, people, and companies that seem to be so relevant today planned that relevance months, or even years ago.

“What’s the problem with that?” you might ask. Well, relevance has to do with relating to things and people right now. If you are spend all your time being concerned with being relevant, chances are you aren’t and haven’t been relevant for a while. Why? Because you are trying to catch up to now from the past rather than planning for the future.

Things, people, and companies that seem to be so relevant today planned that relevance months, or even years ago. Don’t plan for right now, you should have done that a long time ago. Instead plan for tomorrow, next week and next year, today.

April 29, 2009



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