Design Hope - Homepage Design

by Nate Croft


Now that we’ve finally have a logo, it’s time to get to the fun part, the design! Scott had given us a solid direction for the look and feel. He wanted a clean, simple design that showcased a current app and also provided a few more options for people to jump into the different content areas of the site. We went with a mono color scheme in order to really showcase the app and make the different headers and content launch points stand out more readily.

A good majority of the personality of this site comes from the content. Underdog’s first app is still in development and top secret intel for the moment so we’ve filled this layout with some fun filler content as it gives us a much better idea of what real content will look and feel like.

December 28, 2009

Design, Design Hope


  1. This is really coming along great. It’s been fun keeping up with the design process, and it’s nice to see a website design now.

  2. Thanks Ben ! It has been a great experience so far and we are really excited to see it nearing completion.

  3. Its looking great guys! You guys definitely have captured what I was going for. I really love the color scheme and am looking forward to seeing the final product smile

  4. great post ! i appreaciate .. thanks for sharing this infor.. keep posting .. it helps

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