{% extends "_layouts/base" %} {% set title %}{{ entry.title }} Estimate | {{ siteName }}{% endset %} {% set bodyAttributes = 'page-quote' %} {# Use this to pass a class or ID to your base template #} {% set noFollow = 'y' %} {# Use this to set a nofollow rule in your base template #} {% block body %}
{% if currentUser %}

Exhibit A: Estimate for {{ entry.client }}

{{ entry.postDate.format('F d, Y') }} - price good until {{ entry.expiryDate.format('F d, Y') }}

{% for block in entry.quoteTable %} {% endfor %} {% for block in entry.expensesTable %} {% endfor %}
Description Hours
{{ block.description }}

{{ block.hoursLow }}{% if block.hoursHigh %}–{{ block.hoursHigh }}{% endif %} hrs

{{ block.description }}

${{ block.amount|number }}

{# Create a variable to track your total hours #} {% set totalHoursLow = 0 %} {% set totalHoursHigh = 0 %} {% for block in entry.quoteTable %} {% set totalHoursLow = totalHoursLow + block.hoursLow %} {% set totalHoursHigh = totalHoursHigh + block.hoursHigh %} {% endfor %} {# Multiply and create a new variable for number formatting filter #} {% set totalHoursLowMultiply = totalHoursLow * entry.hourlyRate %} {% set totalHoursHighMultiply = totalHoursHigh * entry.hourlyRate %}


{{ totalHoursLow }}{% if totalHoursHigh > 0 %}–{{ totalHoursHigh }}{% endif %} hrs
x     ${{ entry.hourlyRate }}/hr

${{ totalHoursLowMultiply|number }} {% if totalHoursHigh > 0 %}–${{ totalHoursHighMultiply|number }}{% endif %}
{% set expensesAmount = null %} {% for block in entry.expensesTable %} + expenses       $ {% set expensesAmount = block.amount %} {{ expensesAmount|number }} {% endfor %}
{% if entry.quoteDiscovery != "0" %} + discovery/deposit   ${{ entry.quoteDiscovery|number }}
{% endif %}
{# Do all the math and create another variable so we can use the number formatting filter #} {% set totalCostLow = totalHoursLowMultiply + expensesAmount + entry.quoteDiscovery %} {% set totalCostHigh = totalHoursHighMultiply + expensesAmount + entry.quoteDiscovery %}

${{ totalCostLow|number }}{% if totalHoursHigh > 0 %}–${{ totalCostHigh|number }}{% endif %}

Hours are billed in XX minute increments. See contract and billing document for additional information.


{{ entry.client }} Representative


{{ siteName }} Representative


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{% else %}

Client Quote Login

Hey there! If you're a potential client just login with the info we gave you to see your quote.

{{ getCsrfInput() }} {% if errorMessage is defined %} {% endif %}

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{% endif %}
{% endblock %}